Enhance your Cincinnati Reds experience with VoiceMonkey for Alexa notifications

Guillaume Laliberté
Guillaume Laliberté

ConnectedRoom allows you to connect your VoiceMonkey for Alexa to the Cincinnati Reds. It will notify you of goals, game start, periods start & end and give you the result when the game ends.

Setzen Sie neue Text-to-Speech-Möglichkeiten frei!

Use ConnectedRoom audio players to connect the Cincinnati Reds with VoiceMonkey for Alexa. Make your VoiceMonkey for Alexa speak when:
  • check_circle
  • check_circle
    spiel Start
  • check_circle
    spiel Ende
  • check_circle
    Zeitraum Beginn
  • check_circle
    Ende des Zeitraums

Enhance my Cincinnati Reds experience!

Du kannst es kostenlos ausprobieren! Richte deinen VoiceMonkey für Alexa ein, um dich über Ziele zu informieren.